Lam Bakers
- Bakery Products for Local Needs -
- Women Co-operative Enterprise at Lam, Jammu-Kashmir -
Lam is village in Tehsil Nowshera in district Rajouri, just few km from Line of Control.
Economy depends mainly on Agriculture (Corns, Wheat – Main products), some basic shops.
With support from the local unit of Indian Army, Aseem has initiated a Women Co-operative Enterprise, which will manufacture a range of food products.
Bakery place is a building that was built by Punchayat as their guest house. There is no market place nearby bakery, with the nearest market being 2km away.
This venture will help ladies to become self-sustainable at the same time will help to create local role models who can inspire more and more women to work
locally for self-sufficiency and support own family through small ventures like these at ground level.