Micro Solar Grid
- A Collaborative Effort for a Sustainable Solution -
Community Solar Electricity Project For Brighter Border Villages!!
Status of Electricity in Jammu and Kashmir
Energy is a vital element which contributes to the overall development of the region or a country. Access to modern clean energy sources have shown significant effect on
elevating poverty, generating employment locally, increasing agriculture productivity, supplying drinking water, improving health care services, providing better education and also in providing safety
and security for children, women and rural population.
Electricity being one the cleanest modes of energy transfer, affects most of human activities in every sector which is a key input to the development (World Energy Outlook, 2004).
Yet, over 75 million rural households (~45%) in India do not have electricity access (Census 2011). On the other hand, electrified households in
most part of the rural areas of the country suffer from load shedding and voltage variation issues. Nevertheless, electricity has become one of the fundaments needs of modern-day life.
In many parts of Jammu & Kashmir, distribution infrastructure is in poor condition (including the towns and cities) leading to low voltage and supply failure.
Regular load shedding is being carried out in the villages and also in suburbs, though unplanned outages are common.
Wooden electric poles are commonly found which were used even for HT network which often gets damaged during winter and due to wind.
"Electricity availability is as low as less than 6 hours a day."

Aseem hence has planned to implement the concept of Micro-Solar Grid project which aims to provide village based Off-grid Electricity Distribution
System which will be helpful in case of power cut at village which is common phenomenon in remote villages of Jammu-Kashmir.
Operational Framework
Community participation is very important for the sustainability and the successful operation of the system.
Village youths will be trained (depending upon the system size and requirement) and employed to maintain the system.
However, major technical issues shall be reported to the installer/developer which is also the responsibility of the operator.
Requirements at Village
1. Area for installation: 3*2 Sq meters plain surface area (preferable roof top of some house with good exposure to sunlight)
2. Vicinity of houses within diameter of 100 meters from the point of installation.
3. Preferably a small village/settlement with 10-20 houses so as to make installations and monitoring easy.
Highlights of Aseem's Micro Solar Grid –
• Decentralization at Household Level: Each home is equipped with a current (power) limiter which prevents cascaded faults.
• Low cost power management and safety: Current (Power) Limiters are a unique & cost-effective intervention in this project.
The cost of entire project is reduced by one-third due to efficient resourcing of hardware and in-house invention.
• A step towards "Energy Equality": The project ensures equal distribution of limited resources such as installed capacity, battery bank, among all users.
While providing reliable and sustainable electricity supply, the project prevents unequal consumption.
• Development through Friendship: Community participation in installing hardware, operation and maintenance develops a sense commitment and ownership of the project.
This further helps in building long term partnership.

Design of Solar Grid
Highlights of Current (Power) Limiter –
• Exclusively invented considering requirements of this projects
• Ensure Equal distribution of solar electricity in each home
• Drastically reduces the overall project cost

Current Limiter (Unique Invention)
We have successfully installed, first ever Solar Grid at
Gagarhill near the Line of Control (LoC) in the State of Jammu and Kashmir
This project is a collaborative effort of Aseem Foundation is association with Pir Panjal Brigade of the Indian Army,
"GS Labs", a Pune Based IT Company and CTARA, a IIT Bombay's independent center