Train the Trainers
- Online Workshop For Teachers -
Aseem Foundation had organized online workshop for teachers from border region during 1st June to 5th June. Approximately 220 teachers from Jammu- Kashmir, Leh-Ladakh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Nagaland had registered for the sessions. Pertaining to the week internet connection, 100 plus teachers joined for the sessions.
Teacher learning is a continuous process that promote teachers' teaching skills, master new knowledge, develop new proficiency, which in turn, help improve students' learning. Aseem Foundation had organized such knowledge sharing sessions with the help of various experts. Experts had given a light on topics like, “What is simulation-based learning”, “How can technology being used in education”, “Teaching concepts using small Models”, “Impact of collaborative learning”, “Concept teaching and assessment techniques” & so on…
The training wasn't limited to communication between trainers and teachers.
The QnA and discussions enabled sharing of views by teachers across different regions. One platform /forum for teachers with different background, region, languages, location, and religion helped them to interact and share their experiences with each other.
Many teachers were new to the concepts like simulation / activity-based learning, effects of collaborative learning.
When nation was in discussion about limitations of lockdown,
these teachers were busy in developing new skills, learning new teaching techniques, which will definitely help them to effectively guide the future of our country.
Mentors of this campaign

Glimpse of the Sessions