Science Park
Shey Village, Leh
Pictured: Prayer Flags over Science Park showing goodwill and blessings from local population
The Concept
When we think about Jammu-Kashmir, we obviously mean two geographically distinct parts of it, the Jammu region and the Kashmir valley. But what
we don't think about, is the high altitude desert region of Ladakh and snowy mountains of Kargil. Ladakh has been lagging behind in education
as compared to Jammu and Kashmir, and we decided that we should put in our efforts to reverse the tide.
We had conducted a short-term program for this purpose in 2017, named Yontan La (In Ladakhi language, Quest for Knowledge) (Click to open web page)
Continuing the same thread, we have now established a Science Park in Shey village, on Sindhu Ghat near Leh-Manali Highway. This was inaugurated by
Hon. Principal of Druk Padma Lotus School (which has been instrumental in construction and establishment of the park as well) & Shri. Syed Abbas (Member, LAHDP), on 20th June 2019.
The establishment of Science Park will help enhance school students' interest in science and mathematics. It will help students to understand the applications of scientific and mathematical
concepts in day to day life. The science park will give an opportunity for innovative and creative learning. The Science Park will be boon to teachers to explain the concepts through fun activities and
science games without actual investment. The games in Sceince park and audio-visuals will be helpful aid for teaching in different way and making students think and apply knowledge.
Teachers/students from Seven (7) schools in nearby area were present for inauguration, and the students were happy to experiment with the games and tools made available in science park.
Almost all schools have agreed to plan at least one weekly lesson in Science Park. This will include learning as well as making new apparatus for future use by all other students. :)
Note of Thanks to all those who contributed to the construction and beautification of the Science Park. Special mention of Students from VIT’s PVP College of Architecture and SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture (both from Pune),
Volunteers of Education section of Aseem foundation, Student Volunteers from DPKS Leh, and Parents of students in HFJKF for their wholehearted support.
People travelling in Ladakh can visit the Science Park for two-three hours (twenty-minute bike ride from Leh market) and enjoy the fun learning experiments with local students!
Media Coverage
We are thankful to local and national media for covering this story in various media portals, print or digital. Following are some of the recognitions: (Click to open)
*Story on Aaj Tak (India Today Group) Portal
*Coverage by local Media outlet - Video story (Opens in YouTube)
*Covered in Jammu based newspaper (Link to digital edition)
*Covered by Kashmir based news outlet
Photos from Science Park
(Click and hold photo to temporarily stop scrolling and read captions)
On the eve of Inauguration - Open air auditorium is visible
On inauguration day - Students can be seen enjoying few games and other apparatus
Beautiful background - Clear skies and imposing bold mountains!
The storage room - Note the periodic table on right and different mirrors on left!
Relaxed after the inauguration
The contraption of literally 'Lifting Yourself Up'
Newly invented Tile Game - Specially designed for young students...
Science Lessons for Students
If you are a Visitor tourist or contributor, Please register here before visiting
If you are a school representative, Please register here before visiting.
Here is a map & directions to the location: